Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

"Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in unity."                     Psalm 133:1
3101 CR 417
Taylor, TX 76574

Recent Years

Several important changes occurred after 1975. Many of these changes were the beginning of traditions in today's Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.


In 1977, a change in policy occurred as Florence Kruse became the first woman elected to the vestry. About this time, young people were allowed to receive Holy Communion after completion of the first six-week communion class led by the pastor.

A new Lutheran Service Book and hymnal was printed in 1958. The congregation, however, was one of few area churches, which continued to use the brown hymnals. By contrast, Prince of Peace was the first area Lutheran church to purchase and adopt the present Lutheran Book of Worship. This 1978 change was made easier by the congregation's Sunday afternoon liturgy rehearsals.

Also in 1978, a Lay Ministry Board was organized to help make the worship experience a more meaningful event by incorporating ideas from the members of the congregation. This board brought about many changes in the structure and responsibilities of both the pastor and members in conducting services. Such changes include the implementation of the Altar Guild and the use of cantors and lectors. Acolytes not only light altar candles, but also light special candles used in Advent and Lenten services.


Other traditions originated during this period. Flowers are placed on a wooden cross as worshippers enter the church for Easter services. The cross is then carried in the processional and placed on the reappointed Easter altar. For Mother's Day, flowers may be purchased for a special person and used in the altar arrangements. The flower is then given to the honoree.


Many physical conveniences were also added during this period. Central heat and air were installed in the parsonage and later in the church. The church public address system was installed and a new church office building was erected.

 The current 12 leaded stained glass windows located on the north and south walls of the sanctuary were completed and installed in 1990 by local artisan, Jerry Frankeny. In 1994, Mr. Frankeny completed and installed two additional leaded stained glass windows.