Prince of Peace

        Lutheran Church

                                    Wuthrich Hill 


 3101 CR 417

 Taylor, TX 76574

Learn And Grow



Women in God’s Service is for all women at Prince of Peace. Each of us can use our spiritual gifts for the glory of God and the encouragement of one another. WinGs is a growing ministry that welcomes your participation, questions, and ideas. It is the purpose of WinGs to promote lasting friendships through fellowship and service to our church family, our community, and other meaningful outreaches. Let us join hands and hearts in the accomplishment of this purpose. All women of the congregation are considered members of WinGS.



Lutheran Adult Fellowship, sponsors monthly activities and community service projects for congregational members and friends. Our time together is both fruitful and enriching.


The Adult Christian Education Studies meets each first and third Wednesdays of the month and begins each night with a light supper at 6:30 p.m. with class beginning shortly thereafter. Join us for interesting and informative classes.


At Prince of Peace, we offer Sunday School for our children after our worship services during the summer.



Confirmation classes are offered to children when they reach about 12 years of age. Our children spend time in instruction, designed to help them identify with the life and mission of the Christian Church. The program extends over two years and includes study in the catachism and the Bible.


The Rite of Confirmation provides an opportunity for the individual Christian, relying on God's promise given in Baptism, to make a personal public profession of the faith and a lifelong pledge of faithfulness to Christ.


Confirmation teaches Baptized Christians who wish to become Lutheran: Martin Luther's theology on the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, The Lords' Prayer, Baptism, Confessions of Faith and the Lord's Supper. 



Vacation Bible School is an important part of our youth ministry each year. Each year, we evaluate how to offer our children grades K - 6 the best experience possible. Since we are a small congregation, we often partner with a sister church in Taylor for VBS instruction to provide an exception social and learning opportunity for our youth.