Change In Affiliation
In 2009 and 2010, Prince of Peace underwent major transitions. It began at the ELCA church-wide assembly held on August 19, 2009, when the assembly adopted a social statement on human sexuality called "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust." The passage of these changes generated discussions among ELCA congregations nationwide and ended with many congregations electing to discontinue their association with the ELCA.
Under the church constitutions, two votes separated by no less than 90 days were required to make a change of this magnitude. On January 19, 2010 and April 18, 2010, a resolution to leave the ELCA was presented to members and a vote was taken at each congregation. The resolution passed.
In a simultaneous activity, a Parish Affiliation Search Committee was elected to conduct research of Lutheran church affiliations and concluded that Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) would most closely match the criteria set forth by the committee. A resolution to become affiliated with LCMC was also presented and votes cast on the same days as the resolution to leave the ELCA. This resolution also passed.
As a result of this decision, changes to the Prince of Peace constitution were made and presented to the members for consideration. At a special called meeting held on September 26, 2010, members voted unanimously to adopt the new constitution as presented.
Dissolution Of The Parish
On November 14, 2010, the members of Immanuel Lutheran Church voted to dissolve the Parish relationship, ending the 40-year Parish agreement that began in July, 1970.
With no pastor, no organist and no church secretary, members rallied and gave of their time and talents to ensure the tasks of running the church did not falter. The members of Prince of Peace looked at 2011 as a new beginning, a time of spiritual healing and an opportunity to breathe new life into our worship and fellowship. Many prayers were raised to our Lord and Savior to give members the strength, fortitude and perseverance to refresh and rebuild the congregation.
New Beginnings
As the plea went out to the community for supply pastors to assist through this transition, prayers were indeed answered. Pastor Kerri Veit of Taylor, Texas, answered the call and her loving care and positive outlook have been uplifting.
On February 20, 2011, in a service conducted by her husband, Pastor Gary Veit of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Pastor Kerri Veit was ordained as a Lutheran Pastor. We were blessed to have Pastor Kerri Veit leading us in worship through July of 2023. Many great memories were made during her time with us.
We are currently seeking a new pastor and look forward to our future.